live a vivid life

Hunter in A Landscape 5"x6" Framed Oil Painting Print On Canvas

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Accurate reproduction print of the original oil painting by English painter William Barraud (1810-1850), framed in a black resin frame with copper distressing and bead accent. For this frame style, we use a 2-1/8" wide frame for our 5x6", 8x10", and 11x14" prints. We use a 3" wide frame for our 16x20", 20x24", and 23-1/2" x 29-1/2" prints. Each high-resolution image is printed in-house with archival quality ink on matte canvas, board-mounted, then treated with a special varnish to give it a more authentic oil painting look. Each work is custom framed in our shop, and the back is finished with 100% recycled craft paper and a sawtooth hook or wire hanger. This print may be available in different frames. Please contact us for more information. • Frame thickness: 1"


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